Something important I want to share

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Next to all these nice Christmas posts, shops, present and interior ideas I want to share something very important with you. Usualy I don't use this blog for these kind of posts, but this is something that I find very important to share with you and the world.

In West Papua their is a mass murder going on these days. Hunderds and hunderds of people are killed, just because they want to have their own independant country: West Papua. West Papua is the western half of the Island of New Guinea, 100 miles north of Australia. A former Dutch colony that remained under Dutch control when the Republic of Indonesia became an independent nation in 1949. On December 1st 1961, West Papua declared Independence, three months later the Indonesian army invaded. In 1969 the UN oversaw a referendum on independence, the 'Act of Free Choice', during which 1026 Papuan representatives were forced at gunpoint to vote to join Indonesia. Since then, an estimated 400,000 Papuans have died as a direct result of the Indonesian occupation.

With all the social media, blogs, twitter and news we can have 'round the clock, it is very strange we don't hear anything about this and I find it quite hard to believe that no one really cares about these people. This has happened before, as we all know, in Cambodia and many other countries. We always say: let's learn from the past, so now is the time to learn from the past and do something about it.

In the Netherlands a group of people started a petition, with this petition they are trying to get support of the parliament, which is needed.

If you feel that this is important to you, don't hestitate and sign!

Maybe you live in a country where you don't experience freedom, so let's help each other and maybe we can create a better world together. That is what we are all been looking for, don't you agree? 

 Live and let live, no matter what religion, faith or background.

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I'm Jorien, a 30 something creative girl, dreamer, idealist, world traveler and addicted to books. This is my lifestyle blog where I aim to inspire with posts about design, art, culture, decor ideas, travel ideas and recipes. Love and life in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.