

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Wow, a lot has happened in the last year. This hectic year is one of the reasons why I have been very bad with blogging (hardly anything since the last 6 months). So my new year resolutions for 2013 are: more blogging and just live life!

The year 2012 has been amazing, weird, funny, hectic and really great: turning 30 J and a brand new job, with which I will start this year. It is going to be a busy year, but I will try to make more time for one of my passions. First I have to buy myself a new computer if I ever want to do some posting again. One of the reasons why the blog has been so quiet is because of my lazy ass computer that takes forever to upload anything. So work hard, safe money and buy myself a new nice laptop J.

I wish you all a very happy, healty and safe 2013! Live your dreams, make your own wishes come true and live life the way you want it <3

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I'm Jorien, a 30 something creative girl, dreamer, idealist, world traveler and addicted to books. This is my lifestyle blog where I aim to inspire with posts about design, art, culture, decor ideas, travel ideas and recipes. Love and life in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.